Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Special Machine and Boston Cream...

Sitting eating breakfast this morning Wyatt announces that he is going to live in my tummy again.... "Mommy I yike you tummy.  I yive in your tummy.  I need a special ma-jine to yive in you tummy.  yike a baby!  Here Mommy!  a special ma-jine!"1 and with that he held both hands out to me with an imaginary "special machine".  The imagination at this age is just wonderful!

And before I go any further I have to pause to tell you that I have the best Mom in the world!  She stops in on to see the boys and I on her way to or from work as often as she can... This morning she came by with a Coffee for me and timbits for the boys as well as a boston cream donut!  Thanks Mom!  After the boys finished eating breakfast I let them share the boston cream...  I'm not sure how a little boy can get so messy eating 1 tiny bit of boston cream donut, but if there is a way to make something messy Wolfgang will...

1 [Mommy I like your tummy.  I'm going to live in your tummy.  I need a special machine to live in your tummy - like a baby!  Here Mom! A special machine!]

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