Thursday, March 25, 2010

Two Girls Mommy!

We went to a great Playd'oh playdate today and had a great time.  Wyatt had an especially good time since it was at his "girlfriend" Hanna's house.  Hannah is a few weeks older than Wyatt so they play really well together since they seem to have an understanding of what the other wants.  (well that and the fact that if Hannah has a toy she doesn't want to share she plays with it in secret! Smart Cookie!)
The kids were taking turns on the couch and the Mom's thought it would be cute to get a picture of at three 2 year old's on the couch... well the girls sat down and waited Wyatt was debating his spot and then he told me: " I need 2 girls Mommy!"and sat in the middle!

Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day! (well ok not that bad... unless your 2)

What started as a nice day of snuggles with Wolfgang since Wyatt decided to sleep in quickly turned.  When Wyatt did finally get up I quickly realized that he slept in because he was running a fever of 102.  He didn't want to eat breakfast and requested to watch TV to which I obliged.  Our morning was uneventful, mostly watching TV with a quick trip to the Pediatrician (to find out that Wolfgang is small, but perfectly healthy).  
Nap time was short for Wolfgang and he was oh so happy to enjoy an ice cream treat with Mommy while Wyatt continued to sleep.  Wolfgang has a sweet tooth - oh so much like his Mommy.  I took the ice-cream out of the freezer and he saw it and t-rex walked his way over to me making the "oooooo" face!  It was the cutest thing and I really wish I had the camera with me... heck I may even try to recreate tomorrow :)
When Wyatt woke up he was still running a fever so I turned the TV on for Wyatt so he could relax.  About 20minutes after 3 he decided to lean off the couch to try to see what Wolfgang was doing and fell face first to the ground putting his tooth right through his lip and bruising the heck out of his cheek.  As i was cleaning Wyatt up and getting the bleeding to stop I put Wolfgang in the crib for safekeeping... he bit his tongue jumping so then I had to crying and bleeding boys to take care of!  It was a hectic few minutes but frozen yogurt tubes made it all better and I was able to make dinner in (relative) peace.
The rest of the evening was uneventful and filled with cars and regular boy stuff :)
Wyatt went to bed fine but woke up at 9 and the fever had gone up to 103.  So i dosed him with Tylenol and snuggled him in my bed.  I tried to convince him to take his shirt off but he was appaled! "Mommy! I can't sleep NA-KED!!!"  
I reasoned with him, "Mommy sleeps naked every night"
His response... "We better get you some jammies at da tore!

Here is Wyatt's Fat lip :)

(I started writing this last night... but got distracted away from the computer dealing with Mr. Sickie)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Picture Time!

We had a free 8x10 coupon so decided to get the boys pictures taken at Walmart. Wyatt of course was not too happy about this. He thought the lady making funny faces was rather strange and stared at the camera in disbelief for all of pictures - well ok not ALL of the pictures. Still this is a huge jump from crying that used to go on, so I will take a scowl over tears any day! Of course, after the pictures were done and we were paying he decided "the lady" was pretty nice, and he should talk to her, but he wasn't ready for a normal conversation, no, before he told the lady anything he needed to run it by me...
Wyatt: "Mommy, can I show da yay-dy my moneee?"
Mom: "Sure Buddy"
Wyatt: "Where you go yay-dy? Oh yuk at ma moneee! Mommy can I tell da yaydy i have a dog?"
Mom: "Sure Buddy"
Wyatt; "Yay-dy, I have a dog. Milo. Mommy can I tell da yay-dy Milos just a baby?"
Mom: "Sure Buddy"
and so the conversation continued until we had finished selecting all our photos and had paid :)
(Wolfgang took his brothers post as being terribly afraid of having his picture taken and we had a few tears. Luckily those tears quickly cleared up when I let him walk around the picture studio flirting with the other customers)

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Last night in the bath Wyatt was cleaning his penis with extra enthusiasm and intent.  After a few moments I ask what exactly he was doing and he responded "Im making my penis bigger mommy!"  I didn't even know what to say to him, I could hear Daddy busting a gut in the next room and it took everything not to laugh right there!   I decided then to ignore it.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I can do it! Its not my fault!

I just can't believe how fast Wolfgang is growing up.  Yesterday while Wyatt napped Wolfgang and I went outside with Milo and I let Wolfgang push the dump truck up and down the driveway.  He had a great time!  If he got too far I would turn the dump truck.  Well he didn't like this at all.  As soon as I touch the dump truck he stops and removes my hand.  I take that as 1year old for "I can do it myself!"

And then we have Wyatt... sweet sweet Wyatt.  He woke wet this morning and was quick to tell Daddy "It not my fault".  Daddy agreed that while the pee it self wasn't his fault the fact that he took his penis out of his diaper WAS his fault.  Wyatt was persistent and would only repeat "Its not my fault!".  That's when I came in, apparently he thought i was a good scape goat because as soon as he saw me he shouted: "Its YOUR fault!".  So now I get to wash bedsheets 2 days in a row... (yesterday we put Wyatt to bed without a diaper on - whoops!)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Look! My shadow!!!

With the time change, the sun is just coming through the front window as we eat breakfast.  Thus making Wyatt's shadow appear on the wall.  He thinks its the best ever.  His shadow is his new best fried and he likes to read books to him - specifically "Jingle Bells".  Every morning this week he has sat on the floor after breakfast to talk to his shadow.  This morning we had a little extra shadow fun as I made a "shadow monster" with my hands and "ate" his finger.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Special Machine and Boston Cream...

Sitting eating breakfast this morning Wyatt announces that he is going to live in my tummy again.... "Mommy I yike you tummy.  I yive in your tummy.  I need a special ma-jine to yive in you tummy.  yike a baby!  Here Mommy!  a special ma-jine!"1 and with that he held both hands out to me with an imaginary "special machine".  The imagination at this age is just wonderful!

And before I go any further I have to pause to tell you that I have the best Mom in the world!  She stops in on to see the boys and I on her way to or from work as often as she can... This morning she came by with a Coffee for me and timbits for the boys as well as a boston cream donut!  Thanks Mom!  After the boys finished eating breakfast I let them share the boston cream...  I'm not sure how a little boy can get so messy eating 1 tiny bit of boston cream donut, but if there is a way to make something messy Wolfgang will...

1 [Mommy I like your tummy.  I'm going to live in your tummy.  I need a special machine to live in your tummy - like a baby!  Here Mom! A special machine!]

Monday, March 15, 2010

St. Patty's Day Green Party!

My 2 wonderful early risers decided that today - today of all days - to sleep in.  While I really appreciated the extra sleep, I was hoping to get a few things done before we had our momstown group over for our Green Party.  Even with less time we got the house tidy and ready for our friends!
Our play date was a great success!  We had eleven little ones 2 and under packed into our basement!  It was a little noisy, but a lot of fun.  Wyatt was so happy to have friends over, but sharing is hard!  He and Ethan spent a good 20-30 minutes "sharing" (ie, doing everything in their power to keep the other from playing with) Scoop.  Now, Scoop really is a nice toy, but not one of the favorites at our house; I really have no idea what started the coveting of Scoop but i assume it was a "he has it so I want it!" moment.  After the initial drama of "he has my toy" wore off Wyatt and the other kids had fun playing.  Alexa is the same age as Wolfgang and a real sweetheart.  Watching her chase Wolfgang around the train table was the cutest thing ever!
Wyatt was sad to see his friends go.  As everyone started to leave he got really worried and said "Oh no! Where my friends go!"  Hopefully we will have our friends over again real soon!

Here are a few pictures of our Fun today!

Alexa trying to touch Wolfgang... look at the look he's giving her!
 Wyatt and the coveted "Scoop"

Train table fun :)

Emma and Hannah cooking 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Daylight Savings...

The day started out rough, I spent every hour or 2 up with not a sick child, but a sick puppy. Then add in the loss of an hour of sleep and well... it was a great start to the day. But we made it to church on time and dressed - well mostly dressed as Wyatt hid one of his church shoes and doesn't remember where. The boys seemed rather unaffected with the change in time and lunch and nap were normal. Upon waking Wyatt announced that he was going to Wally Gators - funny since that was the plan. Aunt Mony, Uncle Kevin and Keagan were already there and Wyatt considers Keagan to be his best friend. Keagan is just great with the boys, and they adore him! They played all evening and it was quite a fight come time to go home. But once we were in the car Wyatt realised that it was still light out side. He spent the whole car ride home giggling and telling me, "It not dark outside Mommy. It morning time! It morning time in my room!" He would change the subject momentarily, but also fall back to the apparently hilarity that it was both bed time AND light outside!
I just love the innocence and the purity of Wyatt's humor.
Wolfgang on the other hand didn't care that it was light out, as far as he was concerned it was bed time and he was tired - overtired in face. We had a dandy of a time getting him to sleep! I wonder how early our day tomorrow will start...

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Wyatt woke up from his nap this afternoon and announced that he was "going to Waddy Gators house.  Gonna pay san-box.  Come on Mommy.  Yets Go!"1
I  told him that if he wanted to visit with Wally Gator and Nanny Susie that he needs to call to ask if he can come over.  After calling and inviting himself for a visit, I explained that I would be dropping him off and coming home.  He agreed and off we went!  In the car after explaining to me that I should have 2 hands on the steering wheel because that's the "good way to drive Mommy, 2 hand on da wheel!"2 he stared in with the negotiations...
"Mommy, you can pay wit me at Waddy Gator house.  Is fun Mommy!  Gator will pay wit you!"3  I again affirmed that I would be dropping him off and returning home, but would be back to get him before bed.  With out pause he tried another angle... "Nanny Susie yikes you Mommy, you can pay with Nanny Susie!"4 Once again I let him know that I wasn't staying, but that Nanny Susie and Wally Gator would play with him, he would have a really fun time.  I would come back at bed time to get him.  Like only a 2 year old can he tried again: "You can pay wit me!  We can race!  Race wit me Mommy!"5  As I started to again explain the arrangement for his visit we pulled into my parents driveway.  After a few shy moments Wyatt was in the basement racing with Wally Gator and I could sneak out.  I couldn't help but giggle to myself on the way home as I thought of Wyatt trying every angle he could think of the get me to stay with him, and then not even notice as I left!

1 [Going to Wally Gators House.  Going to play in the sand box.  Come on Mom, Lets Go!]
2 [Good way to drive Mom.  Two hands on the wheel]
3 [Mom you can play with me at Wally Gators house! Its fun Mom!  Gator will play with you!"
4 [Nanny Susie Likes you Mom!  You can play with Nanny Susie!]
5 [You can play with me!  We can race! Race with me Mom!]