Monday, April 5, 2010

Trouble with glo-sticks

We had a great Easter and the kids and we got WAY too much chocolate!  I don't think that they boys should eat all the junk they got so I will be a good mom and help them eat up those goodies - especially the mini eggs!  In one of the bags of loot the boys got were some glo-sticks.  We've played with them lots of times before and Wyatt thinks that glo-sticks make great monster chasers.  Anyway... we sent Wyatt to bed with one.  I don't know WHAT we were thinking, but at the time it seemed like a good idea.  About 30 minutes after we got the boys in bed we heard Wyatt crying.  I ran up the stairs because it was a hurt cry.  By the time I got up the stairs the crying had turned into screams of agony.  As soon as I opened the door I could see glo-stick goop in his bed.  I grabbed him and ran for the bathroom to see WHERE the goop got.  his eye was blood shot and he kept screaming "my eye Mom-Ma! My EYE!!!"  I jumped in the bath and yelled at Marc to get me a cup of water.  Flushing the eye with water was quite a feat and I was soaked after 1 rinse.  Wyatt immediately told us "It feeling MUCH better, I go back my crib now".  I rinsed it twice more which was greeted with lots more screaming from Wyatt and then snuggled him on Mommy and Daddy's bed.  Once he was settled back down I went to put him back to bed and he started crying all over again.  Worried that his eye was still burning I asked what was wrong... his response "Where's my [glo] stick?  Awe! Daddy put it in the garbage" !

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